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What is the price of ash?

The price of ASH has risen by 22.42% in the past 7 days. The price increased by 24.61% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price grew by 84.74%. The current price is $0.95 per ASH. ASH is 99.22% below the all time high of $123.00. The current circulating supply is 0 ASH.

What is hash price?

Hashprice (or "hash price") is a market value assigned to hashing power measured by $/TH/S/Day. Hashprice (or "hash price") is the market value assigned per unit of hashing power. Hashprice is measured by dollars per terahash per second per day ($/TH/s/d).

What is cash price?

The cash price may also be known as the spot price . The cash price is the price paid or received for immediate delivery of a good or asset. The cash price is determined by the supply and demand for that good or asset in the moment. Also known as spot prices, cash prices are used to set futures or forwards prices and are correlated with them.

What is the difference between cash price and futures price?

On the other hand, the futures prices come from prices on the futures exchanges and reflect what the commodity might be worth in later months. The cash price is the amount paid for commodities on the spot market, where large manufacturers commonly purchase the commodities they need for production in their factories.

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